Bloomfield Update

Feb 08

Hello out there! Checking in to let you know we're still alive and kicking, and still working on the launch for our new website. Hoping to do the photo shoot next week and that'll help the ball roll a little faster. :-) Meanwhile, we wanted to make sure you know about the Bloomfield series that we're a part of!

It's a series of stories set in the town of Bloomfield. It's written by different authors and is being released in different formats. Our books aren't in the line-up yet, but you'll see some of our characters!

1. Waiting for a View by Debby Mayne

2. Take the Trophy and Run by Gail Sattler

3. When Pigs and Parrots Fly by Gail Sattler

4. Last Chance for Justice by Kathi Macias (releasing May 2013)

5. Best Laid Plans by Martha Rogers (releasing July 2013)

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